
Skandinavisk diplomuddannelses i Dystoni og Spasticitetsbehandling

Vi starter en ny uddannelsesrunde op under “Skandinavisk diplomuddannelses i Dystoni og Spasticitetsbehandling” til September 2024 og inviterer nu også enkelte deltagere ind fra bl.a. Canada, ud over de skandinaviske lande.
Deltagere fra Skandinaviske lande vil dog fortsat blive prioriteret og tilmeldingen foregår ved at gå ind på hjemmesiden www.skandyspas.com og trykke på tilmelding og skrive en motiveret ansøgning. Klik på nedenstående link:

Tilmeldingsfrist er den 1. Juni 2024.

Mvh Bo Biering-Sørensen, overlæge og speciallæge i neurologi

The 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN)

The 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) will take place in Helsinki, Finland (and online) from 29 June to 2 July this year.
The overarching theme for EAN 2024 is ‘Neuromodulation: advances and opportunities in neurological diseases’, which will be the focus of several sessions, with something for every category of participant, from trainees to specialists, for both clinicians and scientists.
The congress programme will be bursting with Symposia, Workshops, Teaching Sessions, and much more, including some exciting Named Lectures from top-class line-up of speakers.
A range of highly affordable options are available for this year’s congress, with greatly reduced early fees available until 24 April. If you become an EAN Individual member by 31 May 2024 you can also benefit from membership discounts.
For more information about EAN 2024 – please visit the congress website: ean.org/congress2024

Nordisk Spastisitetskonferanse 14.-15. marts 2024

14.-15. mars inviterer Sunnaas til Nordisk spastisitetskonferanse på Scandic Holmenkollen Park i Oslo.

Vi skal presentere ulike typer for spastisitetsbehandling hos voksne og barn, ha gode diskusjoner og debatter om ulike behandlingstilbud til disse to gruppene, og diskutere forskjellene i klinisk praksis innen spastisitetsbehandling i ulike land.

  • Foreleserne vil være en god kombinasjon av internasjonale spesialister på spastisitetsproblematikk, og nordiske fagfolk med lang erfaring fra spastisitetsbehandling.
  • Vår målsetning er at konferansen skal bidra til et bedre klinisk- og forskningssamarbeid på tvers av landegrensene.
  • Målgruppe for konferansen er deg som jobber i multidisiplinært og/eller interdisiplinært team som inkluderer flere spesialister og yrkesgrupper som behandler spastisitet.

Program, påmelding, forelesere og mer om konferansen:


På forhånd takk

Med vennlig hilsen,

Gabriella Baker på veine av Jelena Simic
Gabriella Baker

Koordinator kurs og konferanse
Sunnaas sykehus HF
452 37 492 / gabriella.baker@sunnaas.no / www.sunnaas.no

Invitation for members to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Master’s Degree in Neurometabolism

Dear Members of the Danish Neurological Society

Læs mere via dette link: Invitation for members to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Master’s Degree in Neurometabolism

With great pleasure we invite your members to participate in the 2nd edition of the International Master’s Degree in Neurometabolism, promoted by the University of Barcelona and  Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Hospital: “NEUROMETABOLISM AND CELL BIOLOGY FOR CLINICIANS”.

The first edition was very well received by the academic community, we had the participation of 41 doctors and researchers from different parts of the world.

Brochure – Master in NEUROMETABOLISM AND CELL BIOLOGY FOR CLINICIANS 2024-25The Master’s program will start in October 2024 and will last two years. It is online with an immersion face-to-face period during our Summer School.

One of its main objectives is to be a framework for a paradigm shift in the teaching of neurometabolism, as we intend to gather together, in a comprehensive and structured approach, the neurological manifestations, genetics, cellular pathways and cerebral circuits.

Attached in this email you will find the information brochure. This Master’s degree program could be of great interest to your affiliates, we will be grateful if you would share it with them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information,

Best regards,

Dr. A. García-Cazorla MD, PhD

Head Neurometabolic Unit-Synaptic Metabolism Lab.

Department of Neurology. IPR, CIBERER and MetabERN

Director of of the international Master in Neurometabolism 

and Cell Biology for Clinicians and the Research #BrainProject.
Assoc. Prof. UB; Full Prof. Accreditation AQU

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona


The first most comprehensive and free to use stroke prevention and recovery (self-management) video guides

I am pleased to inform you that our NZ charitable Stroke Education Trust (NZSET) has just released a website for free videos https://stroke.net.nz/. We will release 1 additional video every week or two until the end of next year, thus creating a whole set (we plan to release over 70 videos by the end of next year!) of stroke prevention and recovery video guides – the first most comprehensive and free to use stroke prevention and recovery (self-management) video guides!

So please subscribe and share the website with your network, and encourage your contacts to comment and subscribe to the website so they can be informed about new releases.  We also encourage organisations (including stroke support organisations and sponsors) to partner with us by sharing our website on your social media platforms and/or contributing other evidence-based self-rehabilitation videos for people with stroke and their family caregivers. If you wish to translate our videos into your own language you are welcome to do so, but to avoid copyright violation you would need to send the translated videos back to the Trust to be formally included in our the suite of our videos. All new self-rehabilitation videos will be peer-reviewed before inclusion on the website. For organisations wishing to arrange a partnership  and have their logos displayed on the NZSET website, we request a high-resolution logo to be sent to us. The videos are available for viewing 24/7.

The New Zealand charitable Stroke Education Trust (NZSET) offers a set of free, best-practice evidenced, internationally endorsed tutorials of general care and rehabilitation video procedures. These can be used by individuals with stroke and/or their family members to improve their post-stroke recovery and reduce the chance of post-stroke complications. NZSET also offers a free, internationally endorsed and validated Stroke Riskometer app for primary and secondary stroke prevention.


Prof. Valery Feigin, MD, PhD, FRSNZ, FAAN, FRAS

Masterclass Basic og Advanced om demensdiagnostisk på Rigshospitalet

Den 26. januar 2024 afholdes Masterclass Basic med overlæge Peter Roos og neuropsykolog Johanne Asperud Thomsen fra Nationalt Videnscenter for Demens, Rigshospitalet.
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Den 1. marts 2024 afholdes Masterclass Advanced med professor i kognitiv neurologi på University of Cambridge og overlæge på Cambridge Memory Clinic, James Rowe.
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Begge arrangementer indledes med et foredrag og består derefter af præsentationer af cases med henholdsvis typiske og sjældne/atypiske problemstillinger. Deltagerne inviteres til at diskutere diagnostiske overvejelser og udredningsstrategier. Ved præsentationen af cases medvirker frivillige patienter og pårørende fra Hukommelsesklinikken på Rigshospitalet.

Masterclass basic_program
Masterclass basic_flyer
Masterclass advanced_flyer

The AD/PD™ Conference

Dear Danish Neurological Society,
The AD/PD™ Conference has firmly established itself as the premier event of the year in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, drawing in top medical and scientific professionals from across the globe. The upcoming 2024 meeting will once again offer both in-person engagement in the vibrant city of Lisbon and online participation.
Your society members have the opportunity to unlock savings of up to €180 by registering prior to the forthcoming early bird registration savings deadline, which is set for December 6, 2023.
We kindly request your assistance in spreading the word among your society members. You can do so by:

For access to a wide array of promotional materials, including online banners, PPT templates, and more, please visit the official Conference Promotional Toolkit.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if you require additional materials. We extend our heartfelt gratitude in advance for your invaluable support.
Kind regards,
Marketing Manager
E: isimeonov@kenes.com | T: +41 22 908 0488 Ext.: 291

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