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WCNR 2024 Extended Abstract submission deadline and request for cross-promotion

22. maj Kl. 8:00 - 25. maj Kl. 17:00

Please find the key information of the 13h World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (WCNR), below:

Congress date: 22-25 May 2024
Venue: Vancouver Convention Centre, 1055 Canada Place | Vancouver, B.C. (CA)
Congress chairs: Janice Eng
Department of Physical Therapy | University of British Columbia
Vancouver | Canada

Noah Silverberg
Department of Psychology | University of British Columbia
Vancouver | Canada

Scientific organiser: World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
Further information:
WCNR: Abstract submission (
Language: English

WCNR_2024_CfA_digital (1)


Sample text and material
>Promotional kit

WCNR 2024
13h World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (WCNR)
22-25 May 2024 | Vancouver, Canada.


22. maj Kl. 8:00
25. maj Kl. 17:00